Frequently Referenced 皇冠足彩 Policies, Rules, and Procedures
Notice of Non-Discrimination
皇冠足彩 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, ancestry, national origin, genetic information, or disability in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
- Dr Greg Hamlin (he/him/his)
- Title IX Coordinator, Affirmative Action Officer
- Email:
- Cell: 1(607) 301-3922
For further information on notice of non-discrimination you may contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights. Web:; Phone: 1-800-368-1019; Email:; TDD: 1-800-537-7697
No employee of the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (皇冠足彩) may accept any monetary gifts (including cash, checks, debit cards, gift cards, gift certificates, or any negotiable instrument) from parents/guardians, board members, students, suppliers, vendors, etc., in any amount whatsoever. In the event that a monetary gift is offered, the employee should refer the donor to the Director of the 皇冠足彩 Foundation, Inc.
It is against 皇冠足彩 policy for an employee to accept gifts from any person or business that conducts business, or expects to conduct business, with 皇冠足彩.
Further, it is unlawful for persons or businesses to give gifts to School staff and for School staff to accept gifts that are intended to improperly influence the School staff in the exercise of their duties.
For the purpose of administrative guidance, gifts do not include advertising items of nominal value such as calendars, pens, or pencils. However, goods and services which involve a pecuniary benefit should be considered to be gifts.Reference: Title 17-A M.R.S.A. Sections 602, 604, 605 and 606
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
皇冠足彩 supports a safe and healthy learning environment for students that are free of the detrimental effect of drugs and alcohol.
Maine State Law and the Maine School of Science and Mathematics prohibit the use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances, such as drugs and alcohol on school grounds. Any person possessing, using, distributing or aiding in the distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol or drug paraphernalia shall be subject to disciplinary action as defined under the Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines section of this handbook.
If a student is suspected of purchasing, possessing, using, distributing, or aiding in the distribution or use of alcohol, drug paraphernalia, illegal drugs, or in the misuse of legal prescription or nonprescription drugs, parents/legal guardians will immediately be contacted. Two administrators will then approach the student to conduct a full investigation. Depending on the findings the administration will notify the appropriate law enforcement officials and take disciplinary action if needed as defined in the Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines section of the Community Handbook.
Possession is defined as having in one's room, vehicle, on one's person, or cached on or off the premises.
Use is defined as the consumption of drugs or alcohol as determined by direct observations, the emission of the odor of drugs/alcohol, or the positive reading produced via drug/alcohol tests. In addition, other corroborating signs of using include slurred speech, uncoordinated bodily movements, disorientation, and/or incoherence. Students believed to have consumed drugs/alcohol who deny it may be asked to take an alcohol breath test/drug urine test administered in private by an 皇冠足彩 staff member or a law enforcement official. Refusal to take the test may result in the student being charged with the violation.
Distribution is defined as buying, giving, or aiding in the purchase or distribution of alcohol, drug paraphernalia or drugs to anyone, regardless of whether they attend 皇冠足彩.
Tobacco Policy
In order to promote the health, welfare, and safety of students, staff, and visitors and to promote the cleanliness of 皇冠足彩 facilities, the Board of Trustees, and Maine law prohibits smoking and all other use of tobacco products in School buildings and other School facilities, on School buses, and on School grounds at all times by all persons.
In addition, students are further prohibited from possessing, selling, distributing or dispensing tobacco products in School buildings, facilities, on School grounds, and buses during School-sponsored events and at all other times.
Employees and all other persons are also strictly prohibited, under law and Board of Trustees policy, from selling, distributing or in any way dispensing tobacco products to students.
Dangerous Weapons
Under 皇冠足彩 policy, metal darts, guns, slingshots, archery equipment and knives are considered dangerous weapons and are not allowed at 皇冠足彩. In addition, no guns of any kind (including facsimiles of real guns) are allowed at 皇冠足彩. Other items not listed here may be considered dangerous weapons. If you have questions about an item, please see an 皇冠足彩 administrator for clarification.
Possession, distribution, or use of a dangerous weapon is a violation.
Immunization Policy
Where 皇冠足彩 is a residential School where students are in close proximity for extended times, it is particularly important that students are immunized.
All students who enroll in the School are required by Maine law to present a certificate of immunization or evidence of immunization or immunity against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chicken pox). 皇冠足彩 requires in addition that all students be immunized or show evidence of immunity from hepatitis A and meningitis. 皇冠足彩 also recommends that students be inoculated with the appropriate flu vaccine every year.
Non-immunized students shall not be permitted to attend School unless one of the following conditions is met:
- The parents/legal guardians provide to the school written assurance that the child will be immunized within 90 days of enrolling in school or his/her first attendance in classes, whichever date is earlier. This option is available only once to each student during their school career; or
- The parents/legal guardians provide a physician's written statement each year that immunization against one or more diseases may be medically inadvisable (as defined by law/regulation); or
- The parents/legal guardians state in writing each year that immunization is contrary to their sincere religious or philosophical beliefs.
- The parents/legal guardians grant written consent for their child to be immunized by a public health officer, physician, Director of Health Services or other authorized person employed by or acting as an agent of the School.
The Executive Director shall exclude from the School any non-immunized student when there is a clear danger to the health of students, staff, and the general public as provided by law. If a student is absent from the School due to conditions in this paragraph for more than ten days, the Executive Director shall make arrangements to meet the educational needs of the student. Any student not immunized shall be sent home in the event of an outbreak of any illness or disease stated above-stated for which the student is not immunized. Unvaccinated students in the case of an outbreak of disease in which they are not vaccinated against will be excluded from School for at least 16 days from the last identified case. The student will be allowed to return to the School once the School's medical personnel deem it appropriate. In the event that the student is sent home due to the conditions in this paragraph, the School is not required to provide tutoring, off-site classes, or other academic accommodations.
The Executive Director, in consultation with School medical personnel, has broad authority to modify the requirements of this policy as conditions and events change.
Harassment Policy
It is the policy of the Maine School of Science and Mathematics that all employees and students are able to enjoy a work, educational, and living environment free from all forms of distraction, including discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, age, sect, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, status as a veteran, or other protected status. Offensive or harassing behavior is not tolerated against any student or employee. Harassment is illegal under state and federal laws. This policy covers vendors, visitors, and others who enter our facilities, as well as all students and employees. Administrative personnel are responsible for taking proper action to end such behavior. In an effort to prevent harassment from occurring, this policy against harassment will be communicated to each student and employee. No student or employee of 皇冠足彩 is exempt from this policy. Offensive conduct or harassment is strictly prohibited. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Offensive physical actions, written or spoken, and graphic communication (i.e., obscene hand gestures or sexually explicit drawings)
- Any type of physical contact when the action is unwelcomed by the recipient; i.e., brushing up against someone in an offensive manner
- Expectations, requests, demands, or pressure for sexual favors
- Slurs, jokes, posters, cartoons, and gestures that are offensive
- Inappropriate or offensive email
All such offensive conduct is considered a form of harassment when any of the following is true:
- There is a promise or implied promise of preferential treatment or negative consequence regarding employment, educational decisions, or status
- Such conduct has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or living environment; or unreasonably interferes with a person's work performance
- A third party is offended by the sexual conduct or communications of others
Harassment is a form of misconduct. Disciplinary action, including termination of employment or expulsion from 皇冠足彩, may be taken against any employee or student engaging in this type of behavior. Any employee who has knowledge of such behavior and does not report it to an 皇冠足彩 official is also subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone who believes he/she is being discriminated against as a result of harassing behavior based on any protected status is encouraged to report it. Complaints should be made to a school official. Once notified, an immediate investigation of the allegations will be conducted and necessary corrective action will be taken. All complaints will remain as confidential as possible.
Hazing Policy
Maine statute defines injurious hazing as "any action or situation, including harassing behavior, that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of any School personnel or a student enrolled in a public School."
Injurious hazing activities of any type, either on or off School property, by any student, staff member, group or organization affiliated with this School, are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times.
"Harassing behavior" includes acts of intimidation and any other conduct that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of a student or staff member.
"Acts of intimidation" include extortion, menacing, direct or indirect threats of violence, incidents of violence, bullying, statements or taunting of a malicious and/or derogatory nature that recklessly or intentionally endanger the mental or physical health of another person, and property damage or theft.
No administrator, faculty member, or other employee of the School shall encourage, permit, condone, or tolerate injurious hazing activities. No student, including leaders of students' organizations, shall plan, encourage, or engage in injurious hazing activities.
Students who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate measures. Administrators, professional staff, and all other employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
In the case of an organization affiliated with this School that authorizes hazing, penalties may include rescission of permission for that organization to operate on School property or to receive any other benefit of affiliation with the School. Persons not associated with this School who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to ejection from School property and/or other measures as may be available under the law. These penalties shall be in addition to any civil or criminal penalties to which the violator or organization may be subject.
The Executive Director/designee shall be responsible for administering this policy. In the event that an individual or organization disagrees with an action—or lack of action—on the part of the Executive Director/designee as he/she carries out the provisions of this policy, that individual or organization may appeal to the Board of Trustees. The ruling of the Board of Trustees with respect to the provisions of this policy shall be final.